Cottage on lake in winter.

Getting Ready for 2015: Complete the Old, Create the New

Posted By on Dec 30, 2014 | 2 comments

With 2015 almost here, perhaps you may consider trying the following reflection exercise, “Complete The Old, Create The New”. It was first introduced to me by one of my mentors and I have been sharing it with readers ever since.

The process provides an opportunity to acknowledge your accomplishments from the previous year and then become more complete with those things that have fallen short. The second part of the exercise encourages you to look ahead to the new year and decide what you want to achieve in 2015. The theory is that by imagining or seeing your intentions as being complete at the end of the year they become real and infinitely more possible.

I started my process with an early morning walk by the river, allowing myself to absorb the fresh air and reflect with gratitude upon my life.  Then I sat quietly, listening to the sounds of a babbling brook and began to write. So I invite you to find your quiet spot, have some fun with the questions and enjoy the opportunity to design your own future.

Complete the Old – Create the New

Step One – Completeness

What were your wins, successes and breakthroughs in the past year? What were your losses, disappointments and breakdowns in the past year? Think about what it means to be complete with each item. Incompleteness holds us back from taking on the next exciting opportunity.

Step Two – Lessons Learned

Looking over the past year, what are the five to seven lessons you have learned?

Step Three – New Year

Imagine one year ahead, and write a list of all the wins, successes and breakthroughs for the coming year. Some would think about goals but it is more than that, this is about what you want the year to be and what you are creating.

Step Four – Year of the …

Name the year to reflect your journey – e.g. Year of Completions. Now post this in a couple of suitable places to remind you of your theme for 2015. And feel free to share what your 2015 year will be about!

In case you are wondering mine will be the “Year of Trust ”.

Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2015!


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  1. Thanks Carol! This is one of many exercises I will concentrate on over the next three weeks (January 1st may be the start of the calendar new year but in my experience it feels like it really starts around the 20th). I’ve already themed 2015: The Year of Empowerment!

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    • Congratulations David and best wishes for continued success! Go David Go!!

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