As life moves forward, our focus changes from vital careers, marriage/partnerships, children, and advancements to be replaced with empty nests, settled relationships, divorce, adult children, health matters, and retirement concerns.

Natural Courage guides those who find themselves saying: “Now What?” to find their courage to discover and live their “What’s Next?”

You’ll uncover what you really want for this next stage of life, and transition from “What Was” to “What Can Be”.

Uncover What’s Next in Your Life

How We Work Together to Uncover “What’s Next?”

What is Natural Courage?

Natural Courage™ is Carol’s unique approach to reveal YOUR Natural Courage through Clarity, Creativity, and Choice.

  • Live your life, rather than follow the old path others have set for you.
  • Regain your bearings in a world that draws you to follow its agenda.
  • Realize the direction you choose for you is the next right direction.
Woman with basket

What Clients Are Saying

Create heart-centered change... find your Natural Courage.

  • Over the past three years, I experienced some significant losses. I am in a different place now. Carol provided me with everything I needed to help me change. She gave her time so willingly, so openly and with such understanding that I was able to trust myself again. I have energy again – and I no longer feel alone. As someone who also works as a professional coach, facilitator and consulting in leadership and change, I would like to acknowledge Carol’s depth of skill and training in the area of personal transformation. She has reminded me again of the beauty and connection of life – and within me.  Thank you, Carol.

    - Jan S., Collingwood, Canada

  • In solving a problem there has first to come the right question and that’s the strength of Natural Courage, getting me to ask myself the hard questions. Then Carol encouraged me to take the journey to seek out the answers.

    - Michael, H., London, England

  • Linking to my natural courage gave me the exceptional gift of creativity which I applied to changing my life in a deeply meaningful way.

    - Marian T., Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • Carol created a comfortable atmosphere where I felt safe, heard and supported. She has helped me to develop tools to examine my choices and move forward with more clarity, passion and effortlessness. I always looked forward to our time together and left feeling a reduction in stress and an increase in coping skills that I continue to use daily. Carol has made an incredible positive impact on my life.

    - Donna H., Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

  • Carol has a natural instinct in her coaching style. Very quickly, in a subtle way she is able to draw out your issues with you being able to identify them clearly. Focusing on the major points leads one to feeling back in control and having the empowerment to do what you need to. My highest recommendation for Carol!!!

    - Vera N., London, Ontario, Canada

  • I absolutely don’t know what I would have done without Carol’s mentoring, coaching and support. Our talks not only made me think about how to reach my goals, but she provided a sounding board and sympathetic ear which, quite simply, wasn’t (and isn’t) available anywhere else.

    - Barbara P., Dorchester, Ontario, Canada

  • For people that want to make 180 degree changes in their lives, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Carol as their guide. She has made me believe that great journeys are possible.

    - Lynn I., Santa Barbara, California

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From the Blog

Reconnecting people to their natural world.

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