‘Tis better to have loved…

Posted By on Nov 7, 2013 | 12 comments

The other morning a sobbing client shared with me how the critter she had fostered had been placed into a new home and while her head knew it was a better place, her heart was still sad. I could really empathize. Earlier in the week I said goodbye to a ‘special’ friend who had decided to move on in life … alone … and while my head accepted this fact, my heart was still broken.

To be fair, both my client and I knew we were in “fostering” relationships. My client was aware that the critter could be placed into a permanent home at any time and I knew (unfortunately from experience) that after someone got through their messy “situation”, changed and strengthened, they would eventually disappear.

It seems they often disappear after they have received the support they were so desperately looking for and now it was simply time to move on. My client refers to this as moving on to a ‘forever’ home. So why did we open our hearts and share our homes knowing they would only be with us for a short while?

‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Tennyson

Perhaps our lives became more emotionally enriched through these temporary relationships. Perhaps we actually made a small difference. But perhaps this is what life is all about … living in the moment through loving, laughing, sharing and caring.

And the caring will always continue, as each relationship has been imprinted with a little piece of my heart. But I do personally find myself wondering that it may be time for me to find a ‘forever’ home. Because while my client is considering fostering again, I can honestly say that I am finished with it. I DO want something more than temporary, I DO yearn for another chance at ‘forever’.

Whether the next relationship turns out to be forever or ends up temporary, spending some time “fostering” and loving ourselves again will only strengthen and support us on our own journey. Yes it is better to love … always.

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  1. Carol, this is so full of your natural wisdom!

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    • Wisdom is gained in many ways.

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      • So true. And in spite of the pain it is better to have loved. I agree. It forms our character as well so we can help others…as you have done. Thank you.

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        • Another growth opportunity.

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    • You are very welcome!

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  2. Carol are you sure you are not an angel the way you touch so may lives with wisdom?

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    • I believe deep down we all have a little ‘angel’ within us …

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  3. Carol, I so love your open sharing and I smile whenever I read them. This post really struck home. Thanks for sharing.

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    • Thanks Alice, glad these words make some difference.

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  4. I also pray that you find your ” forever”.

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    • You will be one of the first to know!!

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