The Courage to Live Away from Home

Posted By on Apr 12, 2013 | 2 comments

As the heliski season winds down to a close, I have had to say goodbye to another group of staff. This season, I have had the privilege to work with four young people from Slovakia. They have taught me many things about life, language and laughter.

I have a great deal of respect for people who have degrees and even more respect for those who graciously accept positions far below their education … and with gratitude. These four young people have demonstrated how to be humble and enjoy life at the same time.

P1120422Andrej, Eliska, Maya and Monika are always smiling and laughing while working hard at basic jobs. With graduate degrees they plow through chores in customer service, housekeeping and outdoor maintenance. They work hard to perfect their English through work and mingling with the other staff.

I must confess that I am attracted to their love of life, their gratitude for experiencing the Canadian wilderness while accepting any kind of employment. I have been told that there are not many countries that will allow them to visit and work. As a proud Canadian I am happy that we accept people from other countries.

With a Slavic heritage I find myself wondering what my parents went through over 80 years ago. I have a deeper appreciation of how they must have struggled with a new life and what courage it took to learn a new language.

IMG_2150 (2)I already miss the mischievous laughter and random gifts from my new friends. And I am grateful that they were courageous enough to live away from home. Because the world seems to be a better place when people from faraway places can touch the lives of others. Nazdrovia my Slovakian friends and thanks for the memories.


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  1. I agree with you and am glad you had that experience. It is hard to meet people who are content to do what they have to in order to move forward.
    Onto your next experience………….

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    • Practicing being grateful works for me…

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