Meditation in the Stars

Posted By on Mar 12, 2013 | 2 comments

Have you ever noticed how a beautiful starry night can make you stop in your tracks and make you gasp as you look up at all of those tiny specs of dancing light? Over the past few days I have been humming an old nursery rhyme after the new moon drew me outside to enjoy some spectacular starry skies …

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star”

I have always felt safe outside at night under a blanket of stars. To me they seem to exude a certain amount of peace in the quiet of the night. Perhaps a natural form of meditation occurs as the internal chatter quiets down … it is hard to think of much else once I start gazing up at the simple beauty of the night sky.

“How I wonder what you are”

The mysterious vastness of those twinkling stars takes me away from all of life’s little issues and I start to ponder the big questions; what IS really out there, why AM I here on Earth, how can I reach my DREAMS …

“Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky”

Of course, I never seem to find final answers, but I always find peace as my spirit becomes more naturally balanced. It is hard not to cherish time with the night sky and I truly hope that I will always be able to live in places where the stars can work their magic on my soul.

So when was the last time you stopped to look up at the stars? And what dreams did you think about as you gazed upon all of those little diamonds in the sky?

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star …”

Skiing at TLH heliskiing in British Columbia, Canada

Thanks to Andrew Doran for capturing and sharing some of the magic of the stars …

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  1. I agree, there is something magical in the dreaminess of a vast sky full of stars…so peaceful (and who among us could not use that!)

    Cheers Couz!

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