Loose the Trail Technology: Look ~ Listen

Posted By on Nov 21, 2013 | 4 comments

While taking my daily treks around the local trails, I often see parents pushing their little one’s in various types of strollers over the rugged terrain. I usually smile when I see them all bundled up but the other day I was horrified at what I saw.

I was stunned when I saw a little one holding a tablet, watching a movie. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Here we were in the middle of the mountains, on a trail around a beautiful half frozen lake, the sun was shining, the air was crisp and clear … and the little one was missing it all.

The parent was also missing it all, as they were talking on a cell phone. I wondered to myself, how important was that conversation? What mindless brain candy was the child being placated with? And in that instant I felt a great deal of sadness because even in a little idyllic mountain town it would seem that the wonders of nature have been superseded by almighty technology.

And sadly all of this technology has contributed to a growing “nature deficit disorder”, the disconnection of people from their natural world. I truly hope that everyone will find the time and remember to ‘re-connect’. From first hand experience I know re-connection to nature helps not only the earth, as we become more conscious of how we treat it but also being in nature always leads to a more healthy and balanced life.

Now on my daily walks, when I see someone talking on their cell phone or have something plugged in their ears, I purposely strike up a conversation about the weather or the view ~ just my small attempt at nudging some more natural awareness.

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  1. Wow – I can’t imagine what was going on in the mind of the parent to be so oblivious to the magic of the moment – to the beauty of the surroundings and the opportunity to engage with their child. Can anyone give me another perspective??

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    • Honestly Sue you summed it up so nicely … not sure of another perspective.

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  2. Your story of the tech parent reminded me of an experience I had. I made my first trip to Nevada a few years ago. I was in awe, the Red Rock hills jutting over a flat treeless terrain. It was beautiful, breathtaking even. I looked to a local and commented how great it must be to see such beauty every morning when you awoke. It was followed by a “Meh, see it every day…no big deal” That lead me to thinking that if that person had a chance to see my environment, the snow falls, the fog lifting off the river, the bright greens after a rain shower, rolling hills of pasture………that he would be in awe, and my reply “Meh, yeah its nice…” Sometimes when you are in an environment every day, as beautiful as it may be, it just becomes the same old thing, blurs into the background.

    With that realization, that awakening, I have come to try, if just for a second, to stop and look…..every day, at something that is always there, but I have taken for granted. The sunrise, maybe a hawk soring, or just how ugly a turkey vulture is. Just only for a moment to be in awe of something……

    My next adventure, applying it to people………

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    • Wow Heather – thanks for sharing. In my humble experience the longer I practice my gratitude for nature – the easier the people thing becomes 🙂 Keep enjoying those daily moments!

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