In Just Three Years …

Posted By on Nov 11, 2013 | 4 comments

Today marks the third anniversary of Natural Courage. Well not exactly but it has been three years to the day that I started to post my writing.  As I look back on those past years my life has certainly changed.

Some of these changes include; moving away from the IT consulting world and towards a coaching based practice, leaving the city and living closer to nature, saying goodbye to active parenting and slowing down the pace of life. Through all of these changes I have begun to clarify what is really important.

Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience. ~ Ralph Aldo Emerson

What has been important to me is to learn about, and patiently grow, my own natural courage. Through my time in the wilderness, I have found that nature continues to be a wonderful teacher. The many lessons learned out in the wilderness have often been applied to an ‘inner’ wilderness.

Honestly, sometimes it is all about that inner wilderness, what and how we think about ourselves, tackle life’s challenges and celebrate successes. Today this blog has been one of my successes thanks to all the readers for their comments and encouraging words. The process of articulating and writing about these inner and outer wilderness lessons has been an important part my own courage journey.

Courage is found in unlikely places. ~ JRR Tolkien

Since life is a continual journey, I think I will always be writing in one form or another. It really works for me and if there is some benefit to others even better.  When walking a trail or hiking a ridge, listening to another’s story or helping a friend, I will always be noticing what is really happening, inside and out. Then I get to exercise my courage muscles to make sense of it … letting the words flow ~ naturally.

A special heap of gratitude to my sister for editing in the early days and pointing me in the right direction … thank you Ann Marie.


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  1. Hey there lady, can you write a blog on how to stop being an “active parent” ha ha!!!
    Congratulations on your three years – I have certainly enjoyed the blogs!!

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    • Well Vera I do not think that would be just ONE blog because it is an ongoing process! Thanks for your support.

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    • Thanks and no worries – I always keep going!

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