From the Foothills through the Prairies

Posted By on Oct 19, 2012 | 4 comments

I have left British Columbia to begin a new phase of life back in Ontario. After an enjoyable drive across Beautiful BC, with my back to the mountains, I started to drive east.

Leaving Canmore, Alberta I found it really difficult to say goodbye to the mountains. I left the Trans-Canada and took scenic Highway 1A into Calgary. Stopping frequently in the foothills of Kananaskis country and then meandering into Calgary, I reminisced about times spent there 30 years earlier and a life very different from now.

To shift out of memory lane and to cope with the anxiety of construction and crazy drivers, I listened to my favourite audio book “The Secret”. I figured that focusing on the future would provide a good base for my upcoming life change.

And then I did notice major changes in the scenery. Open spaces, big skies, fence-lines  huge farm machines, and fast pick up trucks were all so different from what I had recently been used to. I spotted the world’s largest tee-pee in Medicine Hat and enjoyed a beautiful sunset outside of Swift Current, Saskatchewan. And so ended the second day of travels.

The prairies evoked a deep sense of peace within me and I felt like listening to jazz music to enhance the experience. With cruise control, few vehicles on the road and no agendas, the driving was easy. Many people have complained to me about how boring the prairies can be, I on the other hand, absolutely loved the same yet changing landscape.

Colourful fields, lines of cattle heading home, marshy lakes full of migrating snow geese and tundra swans all provided subtle content to the undulating landscape. I also found myself constantly leaving the highway to take pictures of old abandoned sheds and barns. So striking in their loneliness, I often wondered what history and stories the relics could share.

Crossing into Manitoba, the scenery changed again and the familiar feeling of remoteness returned. With my foot (and shoulders) a little achy, Brandon was a good place to stop at the end of day three. The following pictures are some of the highlights.


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  1. Your pictures bring back many memories of drives between Edmonton and Calgary when I would get up early to see the endless horizon fill with blazing reds, oranges and purples. For a guy from the wet coast a prairie sunrise or sunset is breathtaking.

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  2. A change in scenery, but still beautiful. You are making great time Carol. How about a visit to Windsor or Niagra when you get back and get settled…this will be a real change of pace for you!!

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  3. safe journeys Carol. thanks for sharing.


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