Mountain Fresh Laundry

Posted By on Mar 11, 2012 | 10 comments

In the city, the mundane chore of laundry was an onerous task, a necessary evil to complete at regular intervals to stay socially acceptable.  Now it has become a joyous adventure.  Yes, you heard right – I love doing laundry.

I love the physical exercise and the simple sense of achievement when everything is clean, folded and tucked away.  Getting it all done can be quite the production.  My little log cabin is modernized with running water and an old washing machine that works most of the time, although the hot water tap is jammed.  So for warm water loads I have to fill pails of hot water in the kitchen sink to dump into the washing machine.

After getting the water temperature just right and the wash cycle completes, I have to check the weather to decide if I can hang items on the makeshift clothes line or not.  My first choice is to always hang stuff outside because nothing can beat the scent and feeling of mountain fresh air-dried clothing, especially bed sheets.  I find the scent almost intoxicating.

If the weather is uncooperative then Plan B is a line of bungee cords in the rafters. And after chopping some wood and fully stoking the wood stove, usually by morning everything is clean and dry. Finally the last step is to haul everything back up into the loft and tuck it away.  Here the challenge is not to drop an armful of clean clothes while struggling up the ladder.

Another weekly chore complete, the simplicity of clean and fresh air-dried laundry lifts my spirits.  The choice was made to embrace a chore and turn it into a fun adventurous activity.  I just wish I could find a way to get excited about cleaning the bathroom …

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  1. Carol this is exactly how it went with us for the last few years…I feel like I’m in luxury now that I can make the choice to use the dryer!!! although I still choose to hang stuff up in the cabin on “bungee cords” and hopefully soon on the outside line again. It really brings one closer to one’s laundry – don’t you think:-) D.

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  2. Oh I love the images of your laundry hanging outside in the mountain air and inside in your cozy cabin. Since we now live in an old rustic Iowa farmhouse, I have also learned to love doing laundry. We don’t have the fresh mountain air as you have, but we do have the fresh breezes that sweep across the plains of the US heartland. Whenever possible I hang laundry outside to dry for that freshness you describe. Such great pleasure to sleep on those fresh sheets! Inside in the winter, we drape laundry on the antler chandelier left by the last residents…..the drying sheets and clothes add much needed humidity. I also love that each time the laundry turns out differently depending on the weather…the towels might be stiff or soft and fluffy. Thanks, Carol, for your words that remind me how lucky I am to be in a space where I can hang laundry outside!

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  3. I have always loved the smell of clothes,sheets,blankets etcetera when they have been outside. This reminds me of my camp days when we had to hang our sleeping bags and wet towels outside somewhere. Usually it was on trees with some kind of rope strung between them. I love going to sleep smelling the aroma of outdoors. It had always been great when we go up to the cottage because that is the only way we can dry our stuff. Outside on a line. Heavenly !!!!!. I can’t imagine the fun going up a ladder with a load of dried stuff in tow.

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  4. Oh my dear Carol you do enjoy a huge range of activities. I must say however, I can relate more to the scuba diving in Fuji. It must be a guy thing!! Keep enjoying. Rick

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  5. My how times have changed. 1956 – yes wringer washer – dozens of cloth diapers on a clothes line. It was hard but smelt nice and at times rough on bottoms.
    Love you Mom

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