Snow Yoga

Posted By on Jan 11, 2012 | 2 comments

Sometimes, where we practice yoga has as much effect on our well-being as how we practice yoga. The sights and sounds and sensations that envelope the asanas can deeply transform the effects. The other morning. I became aware of the natural surroundings that enhanced my yoga experience. Surprisingly, snow and yoga do go together.

Two times a week, around 7 in the morning, I am compassionately guided through my yoga practice by a very talented colleague. We begin our practice before sunrise and end the session welcoming the new day.

IMG_1115The yoga studio at the lodge where I am working has a collection of large windows and sliding doors that allow a panoramic view of the landscape. Tyaughton Lake is spectacular in any season, but this particular morning the scenery was extraordinary. The snow-laden trees were further blanketed by a fresh layer of softly falling snow. The muted overcast sky added to the morning silence and grace.

An intense feeling of peace seeped into my breathing and reached deep into my soul. We moved from pose to posture, and through each one my awareness of the snow heightened. I recognized the grace and beauty of the snowy wonderland as it positively affected my experience. My yoga became part of the snowscape.

If snow and yoga go together, I wonder what other natural combinations we could produce if we allowed more nature inside of our structures and into ourselves?

Dedicated to Allison, my Yoga Master.

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  1. Oh Carol, thank you for putting such perfect words to capture so perfectly and beautifully what I can relate to in my yoga practices in very special locations including TYAX.
    Gosh Carol you really are a kindred and I’m so happy to have been led back to you (through Allison’s recommendation and reminder).
    I’m sending you love, and deep thanks for doing what you do to experience the fullness of life because it truly inspires and affects and even transforms (!) my own experience of life (more than you could fully know or I could fully express). I am moved now as I type to you with love in my heart, Angela xo

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