Travel Transitions and Time Zones

Posted By on Nov 25, 2011 | 3 comments

I love to travel.  The more distant and difficult, the better.  I enjoy being completely immersed by the transition from daily routine to different, even exotic environments.

To get to these strange faraway places I have had to yield to the travel process.  This has become one of my favourite ways to courageously adventure.  I have learned to accept that flights change, weather happens and children will cry.  I continue to master the physical difficulties of swollen feet, indigestion and adjusting sleep patterns.  However my curiosity is always rewarded as I watch interesting people, notice unusual places, and I interact in new ways.  My senses come alive as I am surrounded by this different view of life.

To totally change my life view and to break a recent bought of cabin fever I decided to go on a walkabout for a few weeks. So after 15 hours of air flight and 13 hours hanging around airports I ended up in Suva, Fiji.  Part of this travel time was crossing the international date line and I lost a day.

To me the loss of a day seemed like an unnatural concept since our world is based on the rise and set of the sun.  But our global village needed some order and time zones were instituted.  While I will probably gain some of this time back before the end of my travels, I still feel I should find some way to make up for that lost day.  Fortunately being on the beautiful island of Fiji that will be an easy task as I look forward to another exciting adventure!

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  1. OMG Carol…Fiji!!! You are so awesome!!!!! Have fun and be safe 🙂

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  2. Carol – you’re an amazing person! The pictures you paint with your words are so easy to envision in my mind. As much as I enjoy reading about your endeavors – no way would I ever subject myself to doing the same – even if I were healthy – haha!

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