Do You Reflect or Control the Temperature?

Posted By on Feb 25, 2014 | 0 comments

Over these last few weeks of winter, the weather has become extremely unpredictable. Often on the same day we have experienced; snow, sleet, rain, sun, and misty fog. Continually adjusting the thermostat to cope with the frost thaw cycle outside, an old question came to mind …

Are you a thermostat or a thermometer?”

This old metaphor has been conceptually used in religion and leadership but I think it has merit for day-to-day life. Technically speaking the thermostat sets the temperature and the thermometer reflects the temperature. The question is meant to make us think about how we relate with the world around us. So how do you tell the difference?

Do you set the temperature for the people around you? Are you that positive person who sees sunshine and butterflies in every situation or the negative person who always looks for the sky to fall? And even when it may be unpopular, are you willing to stand up for what is right or to follow your heart’s desire? If so, you are a thermostat.

Or are you a thermometer who simply reflects the temperature of the environment? Do you find yourself becoming negative and critical when you are around less than positive people? Is it easier to no longer think for yourself but just become part of the status quo? If you are unwilling to stand up for what is right or to follow your heart’s desire, then you are probably more of a thermometer.


The challenge here is to become more aware of how each of us truly impacts our human environments. And the broader question may be, where is the naturally symbiotic balance between the two approaches?

This week while I continue to adjust the thermostat I will be more mindful of how I set and reflect the relationship temperatures around me.

How do you cope with the temperature changes in your world?


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