What Fills Your Heart?

Posted By on Feb 12, 2014 | 4 comments

Valentine’s Day is observed in many countries around the world and has been a popular Christian and cultural celebration. To compensate for the over commercialization of this day, and being alone, I created a little exercise expanding the meaning to include more than just acknowledging ‘special’ friends, partners, family etc.


With a view of the snowy mountains to inspire me, I pulled out my window crayons and drew a big red heart on one of the glass patio doors. Then I filled it in with everything I was grateful for – such as good health, a roof over my head and food on the table. Then I included everything I have passion for – like Mother Nature, organic food and free choice. Finally I listed everyone who loves and supports me, including family, friends, colleagues and mentors.

Every day I look over my ‘love list’ and continue to add to it. This process has made me aware of how truly blessed I am. Then on Valentine’s Day I will celebrate with gratitude and a very full heart. I think this list will stay up for a while as it will be a great reminder that even being alone in the dark of winter – life is good!

Perhaps you may consider trying this little exercise … or at least take a moment to ask yourself the question …

What fills my heart?url-3

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  1. Love you, Carol! You always in my heart, Happy Valentine Day!

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    • Hugs to you too my friend!

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  2. You have provided me with a great idea Carol. You hit it right on the head again, what are we really thankful for, we often confuse our priorities. For Valentines day I am taking me sweetie to Frankenmuth, This allows me time to be away from the hustle and bustle and just enjoy our time together.

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    • Give your sweetie a hug for me!

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