This Holiday Season ~ How Will You Share?

Posted By on Dec 2, 2013 | 2 comments

It’s started. The season of fast and furious festivities and celebrations is well underway. Often over commercialized, I continually look for glimmers of real, authentic meaning to this time of the year. So while attending a multi-cultural festival at the community center last weekend, I was struck at how seasonal joy and goodwill was shared – naturally.


The inter-generational, multi-cultural event showcased food, music, dances and crafts from various ‘communities’ represented within our little town of Pemberton, BC. At the event I was mesmerized watching little ones perform in their various native languages with great heart and gusto. They were sharing, with pride, things about their homeland. I noticed how many adults stood quietly and appreciated those special moments. This was more than just the usual school pageant – this was real soulful sharing.

And the adults had a chance to share as well. I had to smile as many children watched with their eyes wide open full of wonder and curiosity. The children seemed to know that the adults were treating them to years of wisdom in motion. But the best part for me was when EVERYONE, young and old, from all parts of the community spontaneously and unabashedly joined in a first nations dance.

While I did not have the courage to join the performance I did notice how emotional I felt as I enjoyed watching how the human spirit joyously moved throughout the group.  To me that was a true moment of what the festive season is all about – simply celebrating life and unselfishly sharing in community.

So during this season of celebrations and festivities, how will you share?


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  1. I will share with a Solstice evening where we use a Labyrinth to give some structure to our understanding of the shortest day of light in our year then join together to share some food and drink. Much opportunity to celebrate!

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    • How wonderful ~ honouring one of the cycles of nature.

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