Moving Forward & Slowing Down: The Paradox of Train Travel

Posted By on Aug 21, 2013 | 4 comments

Sometimes in order to move forward in life, a little time and space is required to help along the ‘what’s next’ process. A long distance train trip provided just that right combination of making time stand still while crossing many miles.

My journey started in Toronto, Ontario. I had wrapped up a business engagement and decided to jump on Via Rail’s “The Canadian” back to Vancouver, British Columbia. Even though I had done this trip before, once again I was pleasantly surprised at how refreshing a slower pace of travel could be.

TRAVEL Cda by Rail

Traveling from A to B has often been just another chore to conquer. However, on this occasion, I gave myself the gift of three days and four nights to complete the journey. The gift of time; with no pressure or stresses, no have to’s or checklists, no places to go or people to see, it was time for me to just ‘be’.

And I thoroughly enjoyed my time; reveling at the spectacular Canadian scenery, talking with people from around the world, (over) eating yummy food, reading, writing, meditating, rocking to sleep in a little cabin … truly enjoying the journey. One of the benefits of this more ‘human’ way to travel was the opportunity for some more clarity to surface around the ‘what’s next in my life’ question.


This question often pops up during imminent times of transition, when it becomes very apparent that change is on the horizon. By switching up the method of travel, doing this one thing a little differently, my viewpoint shifted helping me reflect on some upcoming decisions.

Big decisions are not always made while standing still. Slowing down personally while moving forward physically provided the time and space for new perspectives to emerge.

While I continue to navigate another one of my life changes, I wonder, what other interesting ways are there to slow down and to keep moving forward at the same time?  

Via Rail ‘The Canadian’ Travel Route

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  1. If nothing else the scenery must have been awe inspiring . We hope to do this trip some day ourselves.
    Slowing down and still moving forward. Never thought of it that way before. Something to think about.

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    • I hope you enjoy the journey Sue …

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  2. Hi Carol! I enjoyed meeting you on the above mentioned train trip. You captured this experience so well in your blog–it really was such an amazing journey! Thanks for our great chats across Canada:)

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    • Me too Sandra – hope Vancouver was great! Sorry I missed the goodbye hug … Keep well.

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