Vision Quest Part II: Solo Vision Fast

Posted By on May 8, 2013 | 5 comments

I have just returned from my first Vision Quest in the Gila Wilderness located in southwest New Mexico, USA. The experience was so rich and rewarding that I decided to share this quest in three parts; PreparationSolo Vision Fast, and The Return.

After a few days of group learning and personal sharing with six other fellow questers our preparation was complete and we began our own individual journeys. For the next four days and four nights we would live alone in the wilderness and survive only on water. At the crack of dawn with the temperature hovering around -5 Celsius (26 Fahrenheit) we packed our knapsacks and one by one left base camp after receiving a blessing from Sparrow Hart, our Quest Guide.

I felt strong and sure footed arriving at my special place along the river within a half an hour. The rest of my companions were spread out along the river valley, I felt totally alone and yet totally comfortable with Mother Nature keeping me company.

IMG_2200[1]After changing my mind a few times I settled on my final site. My sleeping spot was established and my few possessions were in place. I had chosen a plateau at the mouth of Alum Canyon and on a bluff just above the river I had a spectacular view of the valley. Here I spent hours listening to and talking with the river about matters of the heart and the soul.

I must confess that surviving just on water was surprisingly easy and I was fortunate enough not to suffer the food fantasies that some of my companions endured. But I did feel a little weaker as time wore on and the walk to the stonepile took a little longer every day.

Not once was I afraid of being alone at night, I felt the moon and stars watching over me. Other than a few noisy turkeys and mule deer drinking at the river, the animal world let me be. Every morning I would wander up into the canyon or down the valley, it was unbelievably freeing to meander wherever I felt called to explore.

IMG_2199[1]During the days and nights I did perform a number personal rituals; I burned away some unsavory history, allowed myself to grieve – cleansing old wounds, talked to ancestors and faced my fears of growing old. I sang songs from my youth, laughed, cried, and swam in the icy river, laid in the warm sun, dreampt of days gone by and of days still to come.

But did I have any visions – well no neon buffaloes came to visit but I did see some weird military aircraft, a beautiful full moon, a whole bunch of shooting stars and a couple of night critters with fluorescent eyes. Also, I did really, really ‘see’ myself … and I came to fully accept what I saw.

On the last night of the solo I stayed up all night in a ‘Purpose Circle’, reflecting, meditating, singing and talking out loud what my purpose was, is, will be. I thought about how I would stop living small and start sharing more of my gifts. Watching the sun set, the moon rise, the stars sparkle all while focusing on my life purpose was extremely difficult for me and is something I hope to do a few more times in my life.

With the sunrise, I packed up, said some goodbyes to favourite trees, rocks, river bends and with mixed feelings walked slowly back to base camp with my stonepile buddy. Now that the solo vision fast was complete, it was time to re-enter the real world.

Coming up – Vision Quest Part III: The Return

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  1. Thank you for this, inspiring. Brought back memories that hopefully will nudge/move me forward.

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    • What else will nudge / move you forward?

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  2. Wow…that says it all.

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  3. You surprised me again Carol. Thank you for sharing this extraordinary experience which is very inspiring and intriguing. Look forward to reading “the Return”.

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    • You are very welcome – hope you are well!

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