Crutch Lessons

Posted By on Aug 15, 2012 | 4 comments

After a recent fall, breaking four bones in my right foot, I have been struggling with limited mobility. The transition from Superwoman to super wounded has not been easy but I have learned a few things from being on crutches.

Any Transportation Welcome. Not able to put any weight on my foot, getting up and down the hill between the cabin and the lodge has been difficult. While not very glamorous, I am thankful for all the good people who have given me rides on the back of pickup trucks, ATV’s and motorbikes.

Think Like a Chess Player. With a cracked rib it is quite uncomfortable to move around on crutches. To minimize the pain I have had to become very organized. I have learned to stop and think about where I am going, what items I will need and the shortest way to accomplish tasks.

Creative Bartering. Not wanting to be a burden on those around me, bartering has become a necessary skill. Baked berry crumbles, hand knit scarves and printing photographs have been traded for help with laundry, groceries and drives to town.

Enjoy The Small Things. Since my hiking, biking and paddling days are on hold for a while being outside is limited to enjoying the small things. Watching the birds and chipmunks feed on insects, the clouds dance around the mountains, the flowers and leaves wave in the breeze; all remind me how spectacular nature really is.

There is no doubt about it, having a broken foot is a drag but as with any adversity, there is always something to learn from the situation. I am grateful for the lessons that my crutches have taught me.

Perhaps this is just a dry run for those golden years still to come, when I am less young, less mobile but always very grateful for the life I have been blessed with.

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  1. I had crutches for a week about 2 months ago, first time. It definitely changes your perspective! You end up taking less things for granted once you’re through it, but the trick is to not change the life you live in the hopes of avoiding it in the future. 🙂

    Good thing this didn’t happen during the winter – crutches in snow doesn’t sound easy, and the bears…oh, the bears. 🙂

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  2. A reminder how lucky we are as so many in our world are inflicted with disabilities.

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